Natural Shampoo Alternative

Today I will provide 2 amazing natural shampoo alternatives that can be concocted easy and fast in the comfort of your home. If you don’t have any of the ingredients mentioned below, they can easily be procured in your local neighborhood health store or organic grocery. The first natural solution based on Black Tea and Sage should be used as a preventative measure for gray hair. Do not use this home remedy too often, as it tends to dry the hair out. The second natural shampoo is on the contrary very moisturizing and can be used to prevent the breakage of dry and brittle hair.

Black Tea And Sage Shampoo

Only use this natural shampoo alternative if you have dark hair, because it will stain your hair. Sage is known for keeping gray hair at bay and black tea does the staining.  Sage, rosemary, or thyme on her hair all have the natural properties to prevent the grayness of hair. To conjure up this shampoo, brew one cup of strong black tea for about 60 minutes, along with one teaspoon dried sage leaves or three fresh sage leaves. Use a tea bag to contain the sage. Remove the solids and combine the tea into one cup of liquid Castile soap, in a bottle. Add a few drops of an essential oil, if desired. Shake the bottle before each use.

Coconut Milk Foaming Wash

Coconut milk adds many nutrients to the hair shaft; although hair is actually dead, it can still benefit from the right nutrition. This recipe will restore moisture to dry hair. Take a can of coconut milk and mix it in a glass bowl with three quarters of a cup of liquid Castile soap and one teaspoon of olive oil . Melt one teaspoon of coconut oil and add it in, whisking the liquid until frothy. Pour this concoction into a plastic bottle and apply it to wet hair. You only need a little bit on the top of your head. Don’t overdo it, or you’ll end up with greasy hair. A dot the size of a quarter should be enough. Comb it through your hair to the ends and rinse it well.


hold extra weight such as a dumbbell or kettlebell.人形 エロResistance bands are another great way of doing strength training at home.

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